2021-2022 | Europe America style



Skaterboy Skaterboy



白狼杀项目概述 | About This Project

白狼杀是一款线上线下结合的剧本杀游戏,玩家可以随时随地通过三端(平板/手机/电脑)与身边的朋友或者线上玩家进行同场PK。 集合了潮玩、增强现实的游戏体验感、我们还为线下玩家提供灯光,音效,环境主题等一系列硬件设计。让每个人都沉浸于剧本的世界!

The Werewolves is a script killing game combining online and offline. Players can PK with their friends or online players anytime, anywhere through three terminals (tablet / mobile phone / computer).Let everyone immerse themselves in the world of script!

1.美术设计 | Art Style Design


Avoid stereotype, The art style chooses the flat style of Europe and America. Bold design is made to prevent aesthetic fatigue, and the scene edge is inked, but the characters use clear and fine lines. The contrast of one virtual and one real not only has no sense of conflict, but also increases interest and game features. Combined with the flat style UI interface, the overall design looks fashionable and advanced.

2.角色设计 | Role Design


Figure painting style adopts European and American graphic style. In order to make the character's style more unique, The character's joints are designed as an exposed form, which is more in line with the theme of horror and thriller games. At the same time, the origami structure is added to make the character design more visible.

3. 场景设计 | Scene design

场景设计思考从未中断,既要有特色,又不能抢焦点。 通过不断尝试,最终决定场景融入墨迹风,既能凸显环境氛围,又能与人物/UI做出对比。 这是大胆尝试与创新,因为找不到其它类似的参考案例,幸运的是这种碰撞是成功的,独特的。

The thinking of scene design has never been interrupted. We should not only have characteristics, but also grab the focus. It is a bold attempt and innovation to finally decide to integrate the scene into the ink wind through trial, because there is no other similar reference case. Fortunately, this collision is successful and unique.

4. 特殊系统 | Special system


We attach great importance to the design of each special system. The wedding system is recently designed. Isn't it very nice?

5. 其它设计 | Package Design

每个图标,每张插图,即使是草稿,都是精心设计的。 用心所以才能设计出许多让人耳目一新,有记忆点的设计。

Every icon, every illustration, even a draft, is carefully designed. Therefore, we can design many refreshing and memorable designs with our heart.

5.1 勋章 | Medal

5.2 图腾 | Totems

5.3 插画 | Illustration

6. 动画 | Animation


Use spin to animate 2D bones. It takes up very little space, and the animation always keeps smooth and lifelike.

6. 结语 | Conclusion

希望每位读到这里的朋友都能有所收获。 更多美术效果请下载游戏检验吧。

I hope every friend who reads here can gain something. For more art effects, please download the game test.


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